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13 | 11 | 15 | 24 | 24 |
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16 | 15 | 16 | 20 | 23 |
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Meeting of ministers responsible for culture of the Visegrad Group countries; Bratislava
V4 Prime Ministers' Meeting; Bratislava
Joint Statement of V4 Ministries Responsible for Transport on the Trans-European Transport Network Development, announced at the EU transport ministers’ informal meeting; Joint Statement [DOCX]
Summit of V4 Prime Ministers and the President of the Republic of Korea, Budapest; Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 ministers responsible for higher education, Győr; Declaration on Automatic Mutual Recognition of Qualifications
Meeting of V4+Western Balkans Foreign Ministers in Poznań/Rogalin, PL; Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group Countries on the Western Balkans
V4 meeting of Chiefs of Defence in Cracow, PL—Communiqué [PDF]
Meeting of V4 ministers of transport, Cracow (PL)—Joint declaration on cooperation in development of railway transport [PDF]
V4 Foreign Ministers took part in the GLOBSEC 2021 panel discussion on "A View from Central Europe: Future of the EU" and participated in a press conference.
6th Annual Central & Eastern European Energy Security Conference organized by the Atlantic Council
The first meeting of the Virtual Office for V4 Digital Projects (follow-up of the Visegrad Group Joint Declaration on Mutual Cooperation in Digital Projects [PDF] signed by the V4 PMs in Cracow on February 17, 2021)
Video-conference of the Chairs of Health Committees of Parliaments of V4 countries
Video conference of the Chairs of Agriculture Committees of Parliaments of V4 countries—Conclusions [PDF]
Meeting of the V4 Foreign Ministers; Łódź, PL
Video conference of the Chairs of Administration and Home Affairs Committees of Parliaments of V4 countries
On-line meeting of ministers of labour, family and social policy in the V4 format—Joint Declaration
V4 coordination of EU Ministers before the General Affairs Council, Brussels
Coordination meeting of V4 Prime Ministers on the sidelines of the Porto summit
On-line seminar on the cooperation of the Visegrad Group’s countries within the North Atlantic Alliance
On-line meeting of Foreign Ministers of the V4 and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries—Joint Statement
High-Level online meeting of secretaries of state responsible for tourism and presidents of the National Tourism Organisations of the V4 countries
On-line meeting of ministers of culture of V4 countries—Joint communiqué
V4 coordination of EU Ministers ahead of the General Affairs Council meeting, VTC
On-line meeting of finance ministers of the V4 countries; Joint letter of the Ministers of Finance of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Poland and Slovak Republic to Ms Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial services, financial stability and CMU on Taxonomy.
On-line political consultations at the level of deputy foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group and the Central Asian countries
Online meeting of V4 ministers of science and education
V4 + B3 meeting of Chairpersons of the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committees (VTC)
Meeting of Foreign Ministers of V4 countries with the US Secretary of State on the sidelines of the NATO Foreign Ministers’ meeting; Brussels—Readout
V4 coordination of EU ministers on the sidelines of the General Affairs Council meeting, VTC
Meeting of V4 deputy ministers of interior on border issues and migration policies. The meeting was also attended by the heads of the border guards of the V4 states, VTC; Brief information
V4 coordination meeting (videoconference) of Prime Ministers ahead of the European Council
V4+ BG, RO, SI, HR, EE, LV and LT deputy ministers level on-line meeting focused on exchanging information and experience on preparing the National Recovery Plans
Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries on the ocassion of the 30th anniversary of the group's establishment; Cracow—Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group; Visegrad Group Joint Declaration on Mutual Cooperation in Digital Projects [PDF]
V4 Deputy Foreign Ministers videoconference on Eastern policy.
Meeting of Presidents of the Visegrad Group (V4) states on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad Group; President Duda's address at the plenary; Jurata, PL
V4 coordination meeting (videoconference) of Prime Ministers ahead of the European Council
V4 coordination of EU ministers prior to the General Affairs Council meeting, VTC
Videoconference of V4 ministers for family and social policy
Adoption of a common position of V4 countries, Estonia and Slovenia on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum—non-paper (PDF)
Coordination meeting of the V4 Prime Ministers on the margins of the European Council
Coordination videoconference of the V4 Transport Ministers on the margin of the EU TTE Council
V4 + Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia videoconference of ministers of interior (discussion on common approaches to the future EU migration and asylum policy)
Videoconference of deputy Foreign Ministers in the V4+Spain formula
V4 coordination of EU ministers in advance of the informal General Affairs Council, VTC
Videoconferences of V4 Sherpas
Videoconference of deputy ministers of interior of the V4 countries
Videoconference of V4 Prime Ministers in the margins of the European Counci
On-line conference of Paying Agencies in the V4 + Croatia and Romania formula
Videoconference of V4 Prime Ministers in the margins of the European Council
Videoconference of the presidents of V4 national statistical institutes
Videoconference of EU Ministers of V4 countries before the General Affairs Council (GAC) session
V4 VTC Launch of the V4 Center for COVID-19
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers and France on the occasion of GLOBSEC 2020; Bratislava
Meeting of Prime Ministers of V4 countries with the heads of government of Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain; Brussels
Coordination meeting of the V4 Prime Ministers in the margins of the European Council; Brussels
V4 Chiefs of staff/Defense
Videoconferences of V4 Sherpas
Cooordination videoconference of the V4 Transport Ministers on the margin of the EU TTE Council
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Agriculture and Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Slovenia (V4+7) with the participation of Mr. Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture, within the framework of the International Trade Fair for Food Polagra Food; Poznań—Joint Declaration (PDF)
On-line meeting of Economic Affairs Ministers of the Visegrad Group during the Impact’20 Connected Edition—Joint Communiqué
Videoconference of EU Ministers of V4 countries before the General Affairs Council (GAC) session
V4 Defence Policy Directors meeting
Meeting of MFA Political Directors in the V4+DE formula; Warsaw
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers with the President of the European Commission; Brussels
Statement of V4 Prime Ministers on Alexey Navalny—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers; Lublin
V4 Ministers of Finance meeting; Warsaw—Joint Declaration (PDF)
V4 Foreign Ministers' meeting on the occasion of the EU MFA meeting in the GYMNICH formula; Berlin;
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers on the margins of the extraordinary European Council on the situation in Belarus; Brussels
Videoconference of deputy ministers of interior of the V4 countries
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers on the margins of the European Council; Brussels
Videoconference of EU Ministers of V4 countries before the General Affairs Council (GAC) session
V4 meeting of Foreign Affairs—launch of the PL V4 PRES at V4 Foreign Ministers level; Wadowice
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers—inauguration of the PL V4 PRES; Warsaw
Summit of the V4 Prime Ministers and German Chancellor; Bratislava, February 7, 2019—Declaration on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of historic changes in Central Europe [PDF]
Meeting of Ministers responsible for Cohesion Policy of the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria and Croatia, October 24, 2018—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Ministers of the Interior; Bratislava, October 16, 2018—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Finance Ministers; High Tatras, Slovakia, October 5, 2018—Joint Declaration on the Revenue Side of the next EU MFF; Joint Declaration on the Taxation of Digital Economy
Meeting of V4 Ministers responsible for Transport, Development and EU Funds; October 5, 2018—Joint Declaration
Common Position of the Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia [PDF]; Oponice, August 15, 2018
Meeting of the Ministers of the Interior; Budapest, June 26, 2018—Joint Declaration
Joint Declaration of the Ministers of Economic Affairs of the Visegrad Group Countries on the Future of Economic Cooperation [PDF]; Budapest, April 19, 2018
Joint Communiqué of V4 Defence Ministers; Budapest, March 27, 2018
Meeting of Ministers of Health of the Visegrad Group; Budapest, February 20–23, 2018—Statement [PDF]
Official Meeting of the Speakers/Presidents of the Visegrad Group Parliaments; Budapest, March 2, 2018—Joint Statement [PDF]
Joint Statement of the Visegrad Group and Croatia on the Cohesion Policy; Budapest. February 2, 2018
V4 Statement on the Future of Europe (V4 Heads of Government) [PDF]; Budapest, January 26, 2018
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans—Joint Statement of V4 Foreign Ministers [.PDF] Budapest
Meeting of V4 Interior Ministers—Joint Declaration; Budapest
Meeting of Agriculture Ministers of the Visegrad Group + Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia—Joint Declaration on the BIOEAST Initiative; Visegrád
Meeting of Agriculture Ministers of the Visegrad Group + Bulgaria and Romania—Joint Declaration on the Renewable Energy Directive after 2020; Visegrád
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of V4 and Eastern Partnership countries—Joint Statement [.PDF]; Budapest
Joint Statement from the Annual Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group and the State of Israel [.PDF]; Budapest
Summit of the V4 Prime Ministers—Joint Statement on Dual Quality of Foodstuffs [.PDF]; Joint Declaration on Migration [.PDF]; Budapest
Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group, Austria, Croatia and Slovenia [.PDF]; Budapest
Joint Statement of V4 Prime Ministers on the amendment of Posting of Workers Directive [.PDF]
Joint Declaration of Intent of V4 Prime Ministers on Mutual Cooperation in Innovation and Digital Affairs (Warsaw Declaration); Warsaw / [.PDF]
V4 + Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia meeting on cohesion policy; Warsaw—Joint Paper of the Visegrad Group, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Slovenia on Cohesion Policy after 2020 / [.PDF]
Meeting of the Defence Ministers of the Visegrad Group Countries; Niepołomice—Joint Statement
Visegrad Group (V4) inland navigation conference; Warsaw
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans; Warsaw—Joint Statement on the Western Balkans
Meeting of the Ministers of the Interior of the Visegrad Group Countries; Warsaw—Joint Statement on the Migration Crisis Response Mechanism
Meeting of the Heads of Government of the Visegrad Group countries; Bratislava—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers with the Prime Minister of Ukraine; Krynica—Communiqué
Meeting of the Heads of Government of the Visegrad Group and Germany; Warsaw
Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries; Warsaw—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Prime Ministers; Warsaw
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers; Brussels
Meeting of V4 Interior Ministers; Warsaw
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers; Warsaw
Meeting of the Visegrad Group Prime Ministers; Prague—Joint Statement of the Heads of Governments of the Visegrad Group Countries: Towards Union of Trust and Action
Summit of the Visegrad Group Prime Ministers; Prague—Joint Statement
Meeting of the Interior Ministers in the V4 + Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia; Prague—Joint Declaration / [.PDF]
V4 Joint Declaration Regarding European Council Issues; Brussels / [.PDF]
V4 Countries Progress in Defence Cooperation—Report from Extraordinary Session of V4 Defence Ministers; Prague
Meeting of Senior Group of V4 Defence Officials; Prague—Article
Summit of V4 Prime Ministers and the President of the Republic of Korea; Prague—Joint Statement... / [.PDF]
Summit of V4 Prime Ministers + the President of the Republic of Korea; Prague—Joint Statement of V4 Prime Ministers
Joint article of V4 Foreign Ministers—"We Offer You Our Helping Hand on the EU Path"; Prague
Meeting of V4 Trade/Economy Ministers; Prague—Memorandum of Understanding in the Areas of Innovation and Startups
Meeting of the Presidents of Visegrad Group countries and Croatia; Balatonfüred
Meeting of V4 ministers responsible for energy; Ostrava—Joint declaration
Informal meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries and Luxembourg and Latvia; Prague
Meeting of Defence Policy Directors of the Visegrad Group; Ostrava—Article
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers with their Counterparts from the Luxembourg Presidency and Germany; Prague—Joint Communiqué
Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group countries; Prague—Joint Statement/Joint Statement [.PDF]
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Agriculture; České Budějovice
Summit of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group—Bratislava Declaration on Stronger CSDP; Joint Statement
Summit of the V4 Heads of Government and the President of the French Republic, Bratislava—Press statement
Meeting of V4 Ministers of the Environment and the Representative of the United States, Tatranská Lomnica—Joint Statement [.PDF]
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Culture, Bratislava
Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrad Group + Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia, Bratislava
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers + Eastern Partnership, Bratislava—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Finance, Bratislava
Working meeting of V4 + Turkey Foreign Ministers, Antalya—Press Release
Meeting of V4 State Secretaries (Ministries of Transport) on integrated urban transport, Bratislava
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Transport, Construction and Regional Development + Austria, Bratislava
Meeting of V4 State Secretaries for Defence
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and Germany, Bratislava
Meeting of V4 Speakers of Parliaments, Bratislava; Final Declaration
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group + NB8 + Ukraine, High Tatras; Co-chairs' Statement
Meeting of Representatives of Industrial Property Offices of V4 Countries, Bratislava—Press statement on the establishment of a Joint V4 Patent Institute
Meeting of Representatives of Foreign Affairs Committees of V4 Parliaments; Bratislava—Conclusions
Meeting of V4 State Secretaries for Tourism, High Tatras
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and Ukraine, Kyiv—Joint Statement
Meeting of V4 State Secretaries for Defence, Bratislava
Meeting of the Presidents of the Visegrad Group and Austria and Slovenia, Prague—Joint Press Statement
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries and countries of the Western Balkans—Joint V4 Statement on the Western Balkans
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers with Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Bratislava—Joint Statement on the Local Elections in Donbas
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Bratislava—Joint Statement on Ukraine
Meeting of Ministers of the Environment of the Visegrad Group countries, Bulgaria and Romania—Joint Statement [.PDF]
Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and the Republic of Korea, Bratislava—Press Statement
Meeting of V4 Heads of Government, Budapest—Budapest Declaration on the New Opening in V4 Defense Cooperation
Meeting of V4 Heads of Government, Budapest—MoU Concerning the Roadmap for Determining the Future Development of Transport Networks
Informal Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the V4 and EaP Countries, Budapest—Statement
Long-term Vision of the Visegrad Countries on Deepening Their Defence Cooperation [.PDF]
Joint Letter of V4 MFAs to High Representative Ashton and Commissioner Füle [.PDF]
Statement of the V4 Prime Ministers on Ukraine
Meeting of the Speakers of V4 Parliaments, Budapest—Meeting Summary, Joint Statement on New Framework for Cooperation... [.PDF], Joint Statement on Ukraine [.PDF]
Meeting of the V4 Interior Ministers, Budapest—Joint Statement on Ukraine
Meeting of V4 Foreign Ministers, Budapest—Joint Statement on Ukraine
Meeting of the V4 Prime Ministers; Budapest—Joint Statement on the Situation in Ukraine
5th Meeting of the Committees on Public Administration and Regional Policy of the Parliaments of the Visegrad Group Countries and Croatia; Warsaw—Joint statement [.PDF]
Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the V4 countries + Nordic and Baltic countries; Gdańsk—Co-Chairs' Statement
Meeting of the V4 Prime Ministers with the Chancellor of Germany and President of France; Warsaw—Press statement
Meeting of V4 + Germany and France Defense Ministers; Warsaw—Joint Statement [.PDF]
Meeting of Ministers of Transport in the format V4+7 (BG, EE, HR, LT, LV, RO, SI); Cracow, Wieliczka
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in the V4 + EaP format; Cracow, Wieliczka—Joint Statement
Meeting of Ministers of Agriculture of the Visegrad Group and Bulgaria and Romania; Cracow—Joint Declaration
Meeting of V4 Ministers of Justice; Rzeszów
Meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the Visegrad Group; Cracow—Communiqué [.PDF]
Meeting of the Prime Ministers of the Visegrad Group and Japan; Warsaw—Joint Statement; Road Map towards the Regional Gas Market [.PDF]
Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Visegrad Group Countries and Croatia; Budapest—Joint declaration
Meeting of the Directors General of V4 Customs Administrations; Zakopane—information
Summit of the Heads of Governments of the Visegrad Group; Budapest—Joint Statement on Strengthening Security and Defence Cooperation/Joint Statement on the International Visegrad Fund
Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans—Joint Statement
For more official statements please see the Official statements and communiqués or Press Room. All events are listed within the Visegrad Group's Presidency Annual Reports.