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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

Think Visegrad


Joint Declaration of V4 Ministers Responsible for Family Issues

Warsaw, May 13, 2021

As the Ministers responsible for family issues of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Poland and Slovak Republic:

We underline that the family is the primal community—it was the first to develop in the history of mankind, before the first states were formed. From the dawn of human society until today, it is a community through which the social tissue is recreated. It is families who offer society the greatest gift: its new members. So far, no better environment for the growth of children has been developed.

The family is the realm of altruism, where we unconditionally receive love, help, care and support. In families, we are passed on values, including: respect for other people, cooperation with them, seeking understanding, setting common goals. It is in families that we form our identity and self-awareness and where we acquire skills to live in society, learn relationships, and shape competences.

Thanks to the family, we meet some of the most important human needs, including security, belonging, respect and recognition.

We emphasize that families are the backbone of societies. Without them, the optimal organization of social life and sustainable development of societies would be impossible.

"There is a direct link between the general condition of families and competences and other qualities of employees on the labour market, consumers’ demand and, consequently, the state of economy and prosperity.”

We consider family essential—the most important category of social groups. Family is a treasure and should be treated and fostered as such.

Therefore, we are committed to supporting the family—the mankind’s fundamental idea . We declare to take all possible measures—including those to be undertaken in the cooperation of the Visegrad Group—in order to provide families with the best possible conditions for functioning.

As part of the joint activities of the Visegrad Group, we will consider the possibility of joint research on family in the context of demographic challenges. The findings of such research would be a source of knowledge we will use to improve the well-being of families.

Signed by:

Ms. Jana Maláčová, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic
Ms. Katalin Novák, Minister of Families, Hungary
Ms. Marlena Maląg, Minister of Family and Social Policy, the Republic of Poland
Mr. Milan Krajniak, Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Slovak Republic

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