by Beata Balogová
by Tamás Novák
by Jana Liptáková
by Michaela Terenzani
Project organized by the Slovak Atlantic Commission and its V4 partners—Jagello 2000 (CZ), International Centre for Democratic Transition (HU) and Euro-Atlantic Association (PL).
by Jaroslav Naď, István Gyarmati, Tomasz Szatkowski and Libor Frank
Selected articles:
by Jana Liptáková
DEMOCRACY'S NEW CHAMPIONS: European Democracy Assistance after EU Enlargement
A ground-breaking new PASOS study by four leading Central European think-tanks into the democracy assistance policies, spending,

and geographical priorities of the Visegrad Group countries. The publication provides an analysis of the record of four of Europe's new democracies in sharing their transition experience to promote democracy abroad and in keeping democracy promotion on the European political agenda.
The Visegrad Group countries are potentially key actors in helping neighbouring countries with the process of democratisation and European integration, and in assisting to foster greater freedom of association, respect for human rights, and democratisation. The research in Democracy's New Champions includes an assessment of the Visegrad Group countries' democracy assistance policies and practice towards four target countries, namely Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cuba, and Ukraine.
Jacek Kucharczyk and
Jeff Lovitt (eds.),
PASOS Prague, 2008, 296p. (The project involved the following leading think-tanks:
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Czech Republic,
Center for Policy Studies at the Central European University, Hungary,
Institute of Public Affairs, Poland,
Institute for Public Affairs, Slovakia and
International Centre for Policy Studies, Ukraine.)
Other articles:
Press Release Bratislava, 5th April 2019, Štatistický Úrad Slovenskej Republiky
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK: Can the Visegrad Four emerge as effective players in international democracy assistance? (Policy Brief 2/2008) [.PDF]
Jeff Lovitt and
Jacek Kucharczyk,
PASOS Prague, 2008
The countries' ambassadors discuss plans for the future