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Mon 29 April 2024
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Official website of the Czech Republic


Official website of Poland


International Visegrad Fund

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Czech–Hungarian–Polish–Slovak–English Dictionary

The on-line dictionary contains about 10,000 entries (words or phrases) in each language—Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and English. The dictionary is a work in progress; users are advised to use it as a mere reference.

© 2000–2011, International Visegrad Fund.

to render; to extend; to concede; to provide
proffer; overture; overtures; tender; bid; bidding
deep; thorough; profound; painstaking; extensive
to nurse; to tend; to curry; to cultivate
table tennis
to hearten; to nerve; to buoy up; to encourage
to do up; to fasten; to button up
lease; tenement; rental; let
hoosegow; hold; jug; confine; can; penitentiary
stink; stench; odour; reek
stenchy; rank; nosy; putrid; putrescent
buckle; Morse; fastener; snap; hasp; clasp
to deaden; to soothe; to attenuate; to mollify
to glitter; to glisten; to laugh; to glint
sparkle; flare; glitter; glint; twinkle; glisten
wondrous; fine; portentous; amazing; noble
to fall off; to reduce; to attenuate; to drop
to beat; beat; beaten; to beat; beat; to palpitate
ten; dicker
pleased; content; contented
sufficient; ample; suffice; to suffice; competent
acuteness; keenness; acrimoniousness; acuity
provision; supply; maintenance; service; tending
precept; principle; tenet
appliance; utensil; contrivance; resort; leverage
to dine; to board; to eat; ate; eaten; to fare
to chasten; to discipline
zoo; big house; penitentiary; gaol
to see after; to control; to tend; to mind
control; oversight; supervision; superintendence
young; to be of tender age; youthful; juvenile
courtesy; notice; attention; regard; consideration
reckless; forgetful; inadvertent; thoughtless
measure; notch; head; stage; degree; extent; rate
independence; detachment; separateness
trouble; concern; chagrin; attention; snag; care
slack; unheeding; inadvertent; careless; floppy
tidy; mindful; painstaking; thoughtful; tender
care; maintenance; forethought; charge; foresight
to nurse; to tend; to look after; to attend
often; frequently; again and again; oft-times; oft
tender; motherly; womanly; languorous; tactful
tenuousness; debility; flimsiness; fragility
to rake; to tend; to bend; bent; to curve; to cant
speech; note; strain; tune; sound; tenor; voice
to bite; bit; bitten; to snap
set-to; struggle; contention; combat; fray; fight
three; three groups of ten men each
usage; wear; use; common right; tenure
competence; jurisdiction; ambit; purview; pale
effective; telling; potent; impressive; imposing
tenuous; liquid; dilute; weak; extenuate; thin
to fat; to fatten; to fatten up; to plump
to manage; to superintend; to order; to administer
unpretending; modest; devoid of all pretence
immovable estate; tenement; realty; immovable
direction; trend; tenor; course; running; bearing
affix; appurtenance
pretense; due; pretence; title-deed
sensitive; namby-pamby; tender; fastidious; queasy
please attend!; hold on!; please attend!
strait; extenuate; narrow
to swig; to warp; to tense; to stretch
stricture; mask; pretext; pretension; subterfuge
stricture; mask; pretext; pretension; subterfuge
fourscore and ten
to squire; to chaperon; to attend; to accompany
test; try; tentative; essay; attempt; experiment
bastard; misbegotten; degenerate; hybrid; mongrel
due; claim; accounts receivable; pretension
sequelae; attendant; corollary; recoil; sequel
mellow; bland; soft; tender; still; silken; suave
uninhabited; unpeopled; desert; untenanted; bleak
occupant; denizen; inmate; tenant; inhabitant
to visit; to spook; to attend
attendance; visitation; call; calling
guise; pretense; outside; presentment; pretence
at the first blush; professedly; ostensibly
to defeat; to whomp; to smite; smote; smitten
feasible; likely; probable; possible; potential
existence; entity
to bite; bit; bitten; to burn; burnt; to mill
to seal; to fasten; to bear out; to sanction
to cow; to browbeat; -beat; -beaten; to concuss
to bend; bent; to tense; to strain; to wind; wound
to bend; bent; to tense; to strain; to wind; wound
to tauten; to stretch; to tense; to strain
to terrify; to frighten; to fright; to haze
to lighten; to ease the belly
to irradiate; to lighten; to expose; to flash
extent; size; gage; measure; gauge
extent; standard; rate; test; measure; mark; gauge
sentence; phrase; period
bumptious; sententious; pompous; large; stuck-up
candy; tail; to wax; to extend; woman; women; assn.
candy; tail; to wax; to extend; woman; women; ass
heightening; gain; accretion; rise; increment
to redouble; to extend; to send up; to aggravate
horizontal bar; tensile; high barSport.
scooped out; dry-rotten; scooped
Too many results. Try to be more specific!
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