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International Visegrad Fund

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Communiqué from the 20th Meeting of the Ministers for Culture of the Visegrad Group Countries

Budapest, 4–5 February 2010

A meeting of the Ministers for Culture was preceeded by a working meeting of ministerial experts, which took place on 7 February. In preparation for the Experts' Report, for the Meeting of the Ministers for Culture the following day the topics below were discussed:

  1. Progress achieved with the implementation of cultural programs since the 19th meeting of the Ministers of Culture of the Visegrad Group countries in Warsaw in 2009.
  2. The ongoing project Colloquium of Library-Information employees from the V4 countries.
  3. Information on the working group on cultural heritage in the V4 countries and their new proposals.
  4. The follow-up of the V4 Seminar on Realization of EU funds in the wide scale of cultural programs.
  5. Challenges of supporting joint cultural projects implemented by partners from the Visegrad countries.
  6. New project proposals.
  7. The selection procedure for the 'International Visegrad Prize 2009'.

The following commitments were made in the meeting of Ministers:

  1. The Ministers accepted the joint Experts' Report and expressed their satisfaction with the progress in the implementation of the individual programs.
  2. The Ministers acknowledged the information on the programs of the International Visegrad Fund.
  3. The Ministers welcomed the programs complying with the priorities of the Hungarian Visegrad Presidency.
  4. It was underlined that strengthening cultural cooperation within the Visegrad Group through completed, implemented and new projects, supporting joint promotional activities for V4 cultural programs is to be continued.

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